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FFI Roadmap 2030

The FFI Roadmap sets out a strategic direction for the programme as a whole, as well as for its various sub-programmes. FFI empowers road transport research and innovation for a sustainable society  mpower innovation for road transport aiming for a sustainable society.

A global transition to sustainable road transport is crucial to ensure sustainable living conditions for future generations. In 2023, six of the nine planetary boundaries were transgressed, underlining the acute need for transition, not the least in areas such as energy and transport systems.  

Road transport accounts for approximately one third of Sweden’s carbon emissions, largely due to fossil fuels. At the same time, the transport of people and goods is a necessary condition for growth and welfare. FFI is a long-term collaboration program intended to accelerate the transition to a sustainable road transport system.   

The automotive industry and its ecosystem are vital to export revenue and investment, as well as to research and development. We have a significant common responsibility to accelerate this work and to find and contribute to increased competence, novel solutions and collaboration.  

Why a roadmap?

The FFI Roadmap sets out a strategic direction for the programme as a whole, as well as for its various sub-programmes. It is a policy instrument and a support for following up and evaluating the programme. The roadmap is regularly revised to reflect current societal challenges, and to ensure that FFI can accelerate the transition to sustainable road transport and contribute to Swedish competitiveness in the best way possibl


Sweden leads the global transition to sustainable road transport


FFI empowers road transport research and innovation for a sustainable society  mpower innovation for road transport aiming for a sustainable society

FFI objectives

  • FFI demonstrates solutions that make society’s road transport fossil-free, safe, equal and efficient. 
  • FFI develops sustainable solutions that are implemented and accepted by users and society. 
  • Through innovation, partnership and collaboration, FFI contributes to the development of skills, infrastructure, new technologies, regulations and business models for the road transport system. 

The work of achieving our vision, mission and strategic objectives is based on our four thematic sub-programmes, plus a fifth sub-programme focused on large-scale, real-world system demonstrations.

Our subprogrammes

1. FFI Circularity,with the focus on minimising the climate and environmental impact of manufacturing, service and decommissioning vehicles..

2. FFI Zero Emissions, with the focus on reducing the negative climate and environmental impact of vehicles in the use phase, in combination with user behaviour and charging and refuelling infrastructure.

3. FFI Safe Automated Driving, with the focus on increasing road safety and making transportation more sustainable through safe, connected, automated vehicles prepared for next-generation transport systems

4. FFI Transport and Mobility Services, with the focus on efficient transport and mobility solutions that meet society’s sustainability, accessibility and resilience challenges.

5. FFI Accelerate, with the focus on accelerating transition through systems demonstrations, upscaling and demand-driven projects in which all dimensions of systems are addressed: new technology, regulations, infrastructure2, business models and behaviour.

Read our roadmap