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FFI Roadmap 2030

The roadmap sets the direction for our work towards 2023. Our long-term vision is that Sweden leads the long-term global transition to sustainable road transport

The transport system is facing the biggest transformation of our time and the window of opportunity to meet the global sustainability goals is closing rapidly. The transport system is a vital part of the functioning of society, and the movement of goods and people, and is a prerequisite for a welfare society. At the same time, today’s transport system poses several challenges such as emissions, congestion, health impacts and, not least, inefficiency. To make an impact, we need to act now

FFI has a major responsibility to accelerate this work and contribute to new solutions. To succeed, we need to transform the system jointly. In addition to new technologies, we need changes in regulations, infrastructure, business models and behaviour. To achieve this in time, we need to be flexible so that we continuously learn, adjust and review our priorities.

Why a roadmap?

The aim of this roadmap is to set the direction for the different programmes and to provide an important instrument for steering, monitoring and evaluation. The roadmap includes all FFI programmes, and its priorities will be evaluated and updated on a regular basis in order to dynamically reflect current societal challenges and enable an accelerated transformation of the transport sector


Sweden leads the global transition to sustainable road transport


FFI empower innovation for road transport aiming for a sustainable society

Impact goals

  • FFI has demonstrated solutions that make society’s road transport fossil[1]free, safe, equality and efficient.
  • FFI has developed sustainable solutions that have been implemented and accepted by users and society.
  • FFI has contributed, through innovation, partnership and collaboration, to the development of skills, infrastructure, policy, regulatory frameworks and business models in the road transport system.

To achieve the impact goals, FFI has formulated four thematic subprogrammes. In order to operate and finance large complex projects involving many partners and crossing several thematic areas, we have a fifth subprogramme, FFI Accelerate.

Our subprogrammes

1. FFI Circularity, focusing on climate and environmental impacts from a life-cycle perspective and strengthening sustainability throughout the value chain linked to the development, production and decommissioning of vehicles.

2. FFI Zero Emissions, focusing on the climate and environmental impact of the automotive sector by developing and integrating fossil-free and electrified vehicles with their infrastructure and users.

3. FFI Safe Automated Driving, focusing on improving road safety and making transport more sustainable through safe connected automated vehicles prepared for shared use.

4. FFI Transport and Mobility Services, focusing on developing services, transport solutions and systems integration to enable a more resource efficient and sustainable transport system.

5. FFI Accelerate, focusing on accelerated transformation through system demonstration, scale-up and demand-driven projects addressing all system dimensions

Read our roadmap