Buss och en biltull i motljus

Selection process

All sub-programmes have two calls for proposals during 2024. The first is open during the spring and the second is open during the autumn.ta är ingressen

En illustration av bedömningsprocessen som visar att utlysningarna är öppna ett par månader i början och mitten av året, varpå beslut fattas ett par månader senare.

Timetable 2024

  • January: Our calls for proposals are opening
  • March: Our calls for proposals are closing
  • May: Funding decision announced to the projects
  • August: Our calls for proposals are opening
  • October: Our calls for proposals are closing
  • November: Funding decision announced to the projects

Selection process

When calls for proposals close, an assessment process begins where we engage external independent evaluators. The responsible authority takes a formal decision that they communicated to the project.

Steps in above selection process

  1. The call for proposals closes
  2. Formalities review by concerned programme manager
  3. Applications open for external independent evaluator
  4. Assessments are submitted by the evaluators
  5. Assessment meeting and protocol between programme manager and external evaluator
  6. Preparation and formality review by programme manager and administrator
  7. AAuthority decisions and communication to the projects