En cyklist mot bakljus i en stad

FFI Accelerate

The mission of FFI Accelerate is to accelerate the pace of the transition to sustainable road transport through broad collaboration and major system demonstrations. Projects in the sub-programme must demonstrate innovative system solutions on a large scale.

The transport system is facing significant societal challenges in the green transition. This is at the same time as rapid technological advances on various levels. To successfully transition to fossil-free, secure, equal and efficient road transport, stakeholders must work together to identify at an early stage any issues that may otherwise impede the rapid and broad implementation of new solutions. FFI Accelerate is intended to both combine project results from the other sub-programmes and to identify relevant solutions and stakeholders that can contribute to achieving FFI’s overall vision.   

Projects are characterised by following 

  • Are challenge-driven and critical to the transition to sustainable road transportation. 
  • Are large-scale and demonstrated in a real environment to verify the system effects.
  • Have established a strong and broad cooperation throughout the value chain
  • Has a high level of technical maturity and has the potential to be implemented within a few years. The focus should be on societal benefit and attainability. 
  • Are scalable in a national and international context.
  • Have a clear system perspective. 

Example of projects within Accelerera

TREE – TRansition to Efficient Electrified forestry transport | Vinnova

E-Charge: Systemdemonstration av elektrifierade långväga lastbilstransporter | Vinnova

REEL 2 Våg 1 – Systemdemonstrationer av Regionalt Elektrifierad Logistik | Vinnova

HITS 2 | Vinnova

Calls for proposals

Here you can find our call that is open



Chairman Bo Hallams

Program manager: Anna Karlsson, Vinnova


Deputy Program manager Christian Fredriksson, Vinnova


Peter Jozsa Mårdberg, AB Volvo

Ulf Ceder, Scania

Gisela Blomqvist, Volvo Cars

Fredrik Sidahl, FKG

Clara Irons-Wallin, Energimyndigheten

Margnus Blinge, Trafikverket

Christina Kvarnström, Vinnova

Hanna Bernemyr, Mobility Sweden (adjungerad)