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FFI Zero emissions

FFI Zero Emissions contributes to achieving FFI’s objectives by working towards achieving net zero emissions and by making the use phase of zero-emission vehicles more sustainable. This includes both road vehicles as well as plant and industrial utility vehicles.

Challenges that have been identified within the sub-programme

A holistic perspective: accelerating the transition to zero-emission vehicles demands a holistic approach to the vehicle and its societal role.

Energy efficiency, resource efficiency and cost-effectiveness: a user-centred perspective is vital to achieving resource- and energy-efficient solutions for zero-emission vehicles. This includes digital solutions, choice of vehicles and how they are used 

Energy supply:zero-emission vehicles and associated infrastructure present challenges in terms of their operation, energy supply and energy security.

Focus areas

  • Policy development that keeps pace with technological and societal developments, thus enabling the more rapid implementation of necessary measures/technologies.   
  • Hardware and software optimisation, for example new hardware and electrical/electronic architecture, in vehicles as well as charging and refuelling infrastructure.   
  • New, relatively unexplored technologies, for example, using vehicles for energy storage or as flexible resources, or other areas with significant potential for achieving FFI’s impact goals.   
  • Optimised energy efficiency in vehicles in the use phase.   
  • Power electronics in vehicles and infrastructure. 

Call for proposals

Here you can find our call that is open



Chairman Ulla-Britt Fräjdin-Hellqvist

Program manager: Magnus Henke, Energimyndigheten


Deputy Program manager: Emma Westsson, Energimyndigheten


Anders Källström, AB Volvo

Tiva Sharif, Scania

Maria Bernander, Volvo Cars

Fredrik Sidahl, FKG

Anders Lewald, Energimyndigheten

Helene Lindblom, Trafikverket

Malin Eklund, Vinnova

Mobility Sweden (adjungerad), Hanna Bernemyr